Apple Trees for Sale
Malus domestica, commonly known as apple, are grown all over the world and come in 7500 varieties with 2500 of those varieties being grown in the US. However, only 100 varieties are commercially cultivated in the United States. Apples come in all shades of red, green, and yellow and are a member of the Rose family. The fruits are fat free, sodium free, and cholesterol free, making them an excellent and healthy snack choice. One medium sized apple contains around 5 grams of fiber with only 80 calories. They also contain a fair amount of malic acid, which is used in teeth whitening products to remove stains. When left at room temperature, apples can ripen up to 10 times faster than if they were refrigerated. Be sure that you do not peel your apple as two thirds of the fiber and most of the antioxidants are found in the skin. Over half of the apples produced in the United States, from green apples to red, are found in the state of Washington. The average person consumes around 65 apples a year. Apples are the United States' second most valuable fruit crop grown in the United States. The first apple nursery was opened in Flushing, New York in 1730.
(Click for more)Apple-Specialty Trees

3-in-1 Apple Tree
Click for availability
Zones: 5-8

4-in-1 Apple Tree
Starting at $119.95
Zones: 5-8

Apple Seedlings
Starting at $4.95
Zones: 4-9

Garden Delicious Apple Dwarf
Starting at $34.95
Zones: 5-8
Standard Apple Trees

Arkansas Black Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 4-7

Braeburn Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 4-8

Cortland Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 4-7

Fuji Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 6-9

Gala Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 4-8

Golden Delicious Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 4-8

Granny Smith Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 4-8

Honeycrisp Apple Tree
Starting at $34.95
Zones: 4-8

Jonathan Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 3-7

McIntosh Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 3-7

Newtown Pippin Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 5-8

Northern Spy Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 3-7

Pink Lady® Apple Tree
Starting at $34.95
Zones: 6-9

Red Delicious Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 4-8

Red Gravenstein Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 3-7

Red Rome Beauty Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 6-9

Sierra Beauty Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 5-8

Winesap Apple Tree
Starting at $39.95
Zones: 4-7
Southern Apple Trees

Anna Apple Tree
Starting at $34.95
Zones: 6-9

Dorsett Golden Apple Tree
Starting at $34.95
Zones: 6-9

Ein Shemer Apple Tree
Starting at $34.95
Zones: 6-9
At Willis Orchard Company it has been our ongoing commitment to always offer the finest selection of apple trees for sale. In our experience, the planting, caring for and harvesting of apple trees offers a host of benefits - something that those who have never done it can only imagine. We are lovers of the outdoors - of what nature can supply to us and how, through the tending of the things that we grow, we can reap great rewards, personal satisfaction and growth.
(Click for more)