Althea Trees for Sale

When you're looking to make an impact and you are limited in space, the Althea trees are an exceptional choice for the job. The Althea Tree is known for its large showy flowers that are available in single and double bloom. The alluring summer blooming flowers stay all season long, adding a burst of color to your landscape during the hot and dry months. The Althea naturally grows as a multi stemmed shrub, although young plants can be pruned to limb into a small summer blooming tree form. These shrubs prefer full sun to partial shade and moist, well drained soil but they can adapt to a large variety of soil conditions. Once established, these shrubs are very urban tolerant especially to heat, humidity, drought and poor soils. These flowering trees for sale do require annual pruning in the early spring to keep their distinctive vase shape and large blooms. These big bloom flowers are also a great choice for growing in a container.

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Aphrodite Althea Tree
Aphrodite Althea Tree

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Zones: 5-10

Bluebird Althea Tree
Bluebird Althea Tree

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Zones: 5-10

Danica Althea Tree
Danica Althea Tree

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Zones: 5-10

Red Heart Althea Tree
Red Heart Althea Tree

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Zones: 5-10